Get data of calls occurred between particular time intervals on SquadVoice platform

The request to this endpoint returns a paginated response.

  "count": 1,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "task_id": 8,
      "contact_name": "John Smith",
      "phone_number": "+919512345678",
      "meta": {
        "order_id": 127812,
        "order_name": "Denim Jeans"
      "completed_at": 1479992291000,
      "call_attempts": [
          "recording_url": null,
          "called_at": 1479992221000,
          "answers": {},
          "call_duration": 10,
          "outcome": "Abruptly Disconnected and Not Receiving",
          "is_attempt_final": false,
          "player_mission_ref_id": "ABCD123"
          "recording_url": "",
          "called_at": 1479992291000,
          "answers": {
            "age": 23,
            "was_puchase_done": "Yes",
            "order_received_on_time": "Yes"
          "call_duration": 100,
          "outcome": "Survey Completed!",
          "is_attempt_final": true,
          "player_mission_ref_id": "EFGH123"

Different fields arriving as part of response of /biz/api/voice/responses/ means

KeyExplanationData type
contact_namecontact_name shared with us via /biz/api/voice/task/ endpointString
phone_numberphone_number shared with us via /biz/api/voice/task/ endpointString
metameta data shared with us via /biz/api/voice/task/ endpointJSON
task_idmeta data shared with us via /biz/api/voice/task/ endpointInteger
completed_atEpoch timestamp at which the call task was completely executed.Timestamp
call_attemptsList of call attempts that were done for related task_idArray of JSON

where each "call_attempts" object has the following keys:

KeyExplanationData type
recording_urlAn URL containing audio recording of the call happened for this attempt.String
called_atEpoch timestamp at which the call attempt was made.Timestamp
answersMap of key-value pair, where both keys and values are of string type.
Key denotes identifier for the question asked, while value denotes respective answer.
outcomeThis value denotes the business output from the call attempt made.String
is_attempt_finalFlag denoting whether this call attempt was final one for the task and no more call_attempts were made after this.Boolean
call_durationDuration of the call happened for this attempt.Integer
player_mission_ref_idUnique reference ID for that call attemptString